Heart Sutra Talks
The Heart Sūtra is a popular sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Sanskrit, the title Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya translates as "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom".
The Sutra famously states, "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form." It has been called "the most frequently used and recited text in the entire Mahayana Buddhist tradition." The text has been translated into English dozens of times from Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, as well as other source languages.
Title | Speaker | |
Workshop Conversation, Balance, Heart Sutra, Observe, Posture, training, Patience, Mahayana,... |
Feb 14 2004 Green Gulch |
HousekeepingSerial: SF-01024 Sunday Lecture: Children's Program. The Indian children who used to live here. Indian story about how the world was made. Staying home and accomplishing the way. Gateway into... New Year, Bodhisattva Precepts, Separation, Practice Period, Precepts, Mill Valley,... |
Feb 01 2004 Green Gulch |
The Power of TenSerial: SF-00985 The silence of 'don't know'; outer space Vimalakirti Sutra; radiant vision of alternate universes. Motivation for literary inventiveness - world is not only what we think;... Vimalakirti, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Mill Valley, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra... |
Dec 14 2003 Green Gulch |
Vimalakirti SutraSerial: SF-04084 Sunday Lecture: Manjushri questioning Vimalakirti. How should one view all sentient beings - like the reflection of the moon in water, etc. Love. Wisdom of love. Heart Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Manjushri, Mahayana, Emptiness, Vimalakirti,... |
Aug 10 2003 Green Gulch |
Authentic Dharma: Journey Through Zen Dharma Transmission, Transmission, Suzuki Roshi, Priest, Bodhisattva Vow, Soto Zen,... |
Jan 11 2003 City Center |
Passions Passions, Priest, Evil, Enemies, Heart Sutra, Hate, Birth-and-Death, Nirvana,... |
Dec 01 2002 Tassajara |
Prajna Path: Wisdom in Zen Life Ordinary Mind, Practice Period, Mindfulness, Letting Go, Suzuki Roshi, Freedom,... |
Nov 16 2002 City Center |
Energizing Purpose Through Buddhist Practice Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Freedom, Mill Valley, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go,... |
Oct 23 2002 City Center |
Wednesday LectureSerial: SF-01019 Work week: work practice, SFZC Mission Statement, two forms of Buddha's teaching: texts, etc, and common sense. Up to us to find satisfying relationship to Buddhist teaching, "... Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Dependent Origination, realization, Perfect Wisdom,... |
Jun 05 2002 Green Gulch |
One-day Sitting LectureSerial: SF-01018 Lotus Sutra (Heart Sutra), seals our mind with Buddha's mind, basics of the middle way are covered (in the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings), power of joy and compassion, devotion... Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Nirvana, Four Noble... |
May 11 2002 Green Gulch |
Zen and Poetry Class Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Aspects... |
Feb 19 2002 Green Gulch |
Beyond Silence: The Zen Connection Heart Sutra, Posture, Avalokiteshvara, Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, training, Dragons,... |
Jan 26 2002 City Center |
Compassion and Transformation: A Bodhisattva's Journey Bodhisattva Vow, Vow, Emptiness, Cultivation, Nirvana, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Freedom,... |
Jan 19 2002 City Center |
Sunday Lecture Suzuki Roshi, Ceremony, Impermanence, Enemies, Funeral, Heart Sutra, Faith, Bell,... |
Oct 28 2001 Green Gulch |
Walking in Beauty Through Zen FarmingSerial: SF-00073 Wednesday night. Anger, Mill Valley, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bowing, Heart... |
Jul 25 2001 |