Heart Sutra Talks

The Heart Sūtra is a popular sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Sanskrit, the title Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya translates as "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom".

The Sutra famously states, "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form." It is a condensed exposition on the Buddhist Mahayana teaching of the Two Truths doctrine, which says that ultimately all phenomena are Śūnyatā (emptiness).

It has been called "the most frequently used and recited text in the entire Mahayana Buddhist tradition." The text has been translated into English dozens of times from Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, as well as other source languages.

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Showing 561 talks

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Title Speaker


Breath, Posture, Heart Sutra, Buddha Ancestors, Meditation, Vinaya, confusion,...
Oct 06 2008


Posture, Oneness, Dharma Transmission, Bodhidharma, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, difficulty...
Jan 24 2008


Dharma Transmission, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, Family Practice, Greed, Offering, Vow,...
Jan 24 2008


Duality, Non-duality, Samsara, Oneness, Non-discrimination, difficulty, Teacher-and-...
Jan 22 2008


Practice Period, Hindrances, Interdependence, Soto Zen, Liberation, Heart Sutra,...
Jan 21 2008


Buddha Nature, Heart Sutra, Vow, true dharma, Daily Life, Culture, Subject-and-Object...
Jan 19 2008

Intelligence of the Natural World

Serial: SF-00941

Sesshin Lecture: frog chorus; silence and activity; pain and fear of pain; Bodhidharma

Bodhidharma, Silence, Buddha Ancestors, Composure, Buddha Nature, Hindrances, Zendo,...
Apr 07 2007
Green Gulch

Sesshin Practices

Serial: SF-00992

Sesshin Lecture: ordinary mind is the Tao; practice of confession; guilt/shame; Self-Receiving and -Employing Samadhi

Ordinary Mind, Suzuki Roshi, Right Effort, Posture, Buddha Nature, Composure,...
Apr 03 2007
Green Gulch

One-Day Sitting Lecture

Serial: SF-00942

Deshan and the old woman; the distortions of sexism, racism, others; the bodhisattva grandmother; devotion to zazen; bringing attention and support to the natural states/bodily...

Dragons, Offering, Delusion, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Vow, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi,...
Feb 17 2007
Green Gulch


Heart Sutra, Subject-and-Object, Dharma Transmission, Diversity, Observe, Repentance...
Jan 14 2007

The Gift of Nothing

Serial: SF-00929

Sunday Lecture Children's Lecture: one who is not busy, one reality; the gift of nothing; sesshin, from Suzuki Roshi; our mind is the same as Buddha's; all things are...

Suzuki Roshi, Nirvana Sutra, Book of Serenity, Soto Zen, Heart Sutra, Freedom,...
Dec 03 2006
Green Gulch

Right Speech

Serial: SF-00037

The eight-fold path and its relationship to the precepts.

Right Speech, Suzuki Roshi, Conversation, Heart Sutra, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Precepts...
Sep 16 2006

The Great Matter

Serial: SF-00085

How awareness of death, and our own mortality, spurs us to greater effort in practice.

Birth-and-Death, Suzuki Roshi, Impermanence, Gratitude, Heart Sutra, Ceremony,...
Mar 11 2006
City Center
