Fu Schroeder Talks

Showing 50 talks

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Title Speaker

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01062

Story of Parvati and ...(?); falling in love - never alone; the entire universe in ten directions is the true human body; Coming of Age Program; samsara/dukkha; parenting a...

Parvati, Karma, Dukkha, Samsara, Lotus Sutra, New Year, Continuous Practice, Hate,...
May 20 2007
Green Gulch Farm

The Gift of Nothing

Serial: SF-00929

Sunday Lecture Children's Lecture: one who is not busy, one reality; the gift of nothing; sesshin, from Suzuki Roshi; our mind is the same as Buddha's; all things are...

Buddha's Enlightenment, Sesshin, Koan, Daowu, Keizan, Suzuki Roshi, Nirvana...
Dec 03 2006
Green Gulch

Breathing In, Breathing Out

Serial: SF-01146

Sunday Lecture: simplicity; story of Prajnatara in Malawi; the sun comes up, the sun goes down; connections; the four foundations of mindfulness; Navajo rain dance

Mindfulness, Four Foundations, Book of Serenity, Four Noble Truths, Nirvana, Buddha...
Oct 08 2006
Green Gulch

Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not Two

Serial: SF-01026

One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana...

Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,...
Sep 16 2006
Green Gulch

Have Some Tea

Serial: SF-00965

Sunday Lecture: "Have you been here before? Have some tea"; judgment and conduct; Four Noble Truths; Eightfold Path; ethics and etiquette

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Three Treasures, Right Speech, Liberation, Renewal,...
May 07 2006
Green Gulch

Alive or Dead?

Serial: SF-01147

Sunday Lecture: Koan: "Alive or Dead" (Daowu's condolence call); mind fleas; confession; too busy; leap or die when at an impasse; story of Buddha and king - what else can I do...

Teacher-and-Student, Anger, Don't Know Mind, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period,...
Jan 29 2006
Green Gulch

Zhaozhou's No

Serial: SF-00963

Sunday Lecture: Milton's 'Paradise Lost'; myth of Narcissus; Four Noble Truths; Zhaozhou's "No": Marin Organizing Committee/Seniors for Peace

Perfect Wisdom, Four Noble Truths, Buddha Nature, Peace, Freedom, Mill Valley,...
Nov 20 2005
Green Gulch

No Self

Serial: SF-00971

One-day sitting lecture: Bodhisattva Initiation - dharma names; Buddha's second teaching - "No-self Characteristic Sutta"; shamata - posture instructions; Bodhisattva precepts...

Bodhisattva Precepts, Ceremony, Precepts, Continuous Practice, Separation, Posture,...
Sep 17 2005
Green Gulch

Birth and Death

Serial: SF-00970

Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture: children's story - Amos and Boris; response to Hurrican Katrina; Story of king, knowing death is coming; vowing to live for the benefit of...

Birth-and-Death, Vow, Four Noble Truths, First Principle, Lotus Sutra, Mill Valley,...
Sep 04 2005
Green Gulch

Wheel of Birth and Death

Serial: SF-00969

Sunday Lecture: Children's stories: earth moving around the sun is one year; "stone soup"; thinking and not thinking; Tibetan wheel of birth and death - six realms, twelve-fold...

Peace, Dependent Origination, Six Realms, Demons, Birth-and-Death, Liberation,...
Apr 10 2005
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00940

World's largest ball of twine, snobbery, insight, calming our minds, shamata - tranquility practce, Dhammapada, monuments to warfare, GGF farm and kids, hate crime and Tam High...

Vow, Precepts, Hate, Non-violence, Bodhisattva Precepts, Intimacy, Interview,...
Dec 19 2004
Green Gulch

Breathing In and Breathing Out

Serial: SF-00934

One-day sitting lecture: Book of Serenity Case 3, Anapanasati Sutta, Six Subtle Dharma Gates

Mindfulness, Dragons, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Book of Serenity, Bodhidharma,...
Sep 18 2004
Green Gulch

Living The Good Life

Serial: SF-00933

Sunday Lecture

Patience, Ordinary Mind, Mill Valley, Big Mind, Attachment, Commitment, Silence,...
Aug 29 2004
Green Gulch

Non-Thinking and the Twelve-Fold Chain of Causation

Serial: SF-00968

Sunday Lecture

Lotus Sutra, Instruction, Four Noble Truths, Posture, Peace, Letting Go, Separation,...
Jul 18 2004
Green Gulch

Which Is The Real Seijo?

Serial: SF-00967

One-day sitting lecture: when our "soul is split", what is true? Just sitting in the midst of samsara.

Letting Go, Four Noble Truths, Suzuki Roshi, Big Mind, Subject-and-Object, Buddha...
Jun 19 2004
Green Gulch

Buddhism, Christianity, War and Peace

Serial: SF-00939

Sunday Lecture: Two types of training: compassion and wisdom (wisdom: the entire universe is the true human body); US history; Christianity (is evil 'outside' or not); Mara...

First Principle, Hate, Evil, Faith, Soto Zen, Heart Sutra, Bodhidharma, Separation,...
May 16 2004
Green Gulch

One-Day Sitting Lecture

Serial: SF-01022

This human body is the entire world in the ten directions. Can you be stopped? Bodhicitta. Compassion. Thinking. Hatred. Not indulging in habitual thoughts of hatred. Say no. "...

Birth-and-Death, Bodhisattva Precepts, Manjushri, Hate, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 20 2004
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-01023

Linda Ruth with her sick mother. The mountain lion. The bobcat. The rat. New film, "The Passion of Christ". Self-restraint. Mindfulness of the body. Angulimala.

Hate, Current Events, First Principle, Passions, Precepts, Doubt, training,...
Mar 17 2004
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-01024

Sunday Lecture: Children's Program. The Indian children who used to live here. Indian story about how the world was made. Staying home and accomplishing the way. Gateway into...

New Year, Bodhisattva Precepts, Separation, Practice Period, Precepts, Mill Valley,...
Feb 01 2004
Green Gulch

The Power of Ten

Serial: SF-00985

The silence of 'don't know'; outer space Vimalakirti Sutra; radiant vision of alternate universes. Motivation for literary inventiveness - world is not only what we think;...

Vimalakirti, Birth-and-Death, Liberation, Mill Valley, Bell, Lotus Sutra, Heart Sutra...
Dec 14 2003
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-00984

Sunday lecture: Morality. Hedonists, perfectionists. College days. John Adams. Strawberry/cliff story. Wrong-doing = causing harm to oneself or others. Ten grave precepts. Gay...

Precepts, Delusion, Freedom, Three Treasures, Bodhisattva Precepts, Humility,...
Jun 29 2003
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00983

First part of lecture children's program. Read story, "Play with Me". Impatient with world situation. Look at causes. Patience. Path of peace. Dog story. MLK Jr

Hate, Anger, Non-violence, Mill Valley, Peace, Greed, Evil, Demons, Concentration,...
Apr 06 2003
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

New Year, Hate, Bodhidharma, Vow, Peace, Delusion, Cultivation, Harmonizing, Offering...
Dec 29 2002
Green Gulch

Seven Principles for Preventing Decline

Serial: SF-00935

Dhammapada, 9/11, we are not well, cause of great peace, Huey Johnson, the soldiers will have their way, dogs of war, Dalai Lama, pinpoint causes, 'Guns, Germs, and Steel',...

Nirvana Sutra, Precepts, Daily Life, Religion, Interdependence, Renunciation,...
Sep 15 2002
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-00981

Buddhist culture rooting in California, purpose of ZC, banana in his back pocket, Puccini, motherhood, livelihood, Buddhahood, statuary invoking our higher purpose, Bodhisattva...

Bodhisattva Precepts, Ceremony, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Perfect Wisdom, Three...
Jul 21 2002
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Serial: SF-01019

Work week: work practice, SFZC Mission Statement, two forms of Buddha's teaching: texts, etc, and common sense. Up to us to find satisfying relationship to Buddhist teaching, "...

Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Dependent Origination, realization, Perfect Wisdom,...
Jun 05 2002
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Serial: SF-01018

Lotus Sutra (Heart Sutra), seals our mind with Buddha's mind, basics of the middle way are covered (in the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings), power of joy and compassion, devotion...

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Complete Perfect Enlightenment, Nirvana, Four Noble...
May 11 2002
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Two Truths, Four Noble Truths, Humility, Buddha Ancestors, New Year, Liberation,...
Dec 30 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary,...
Sep 16 2001
Green Gulch

Transforming Hate Into Global Compassion

Serial: SF-00051

Sunday talk.

Hate, Current Events, Mill Valley, Peace, Bell, Interdependence, Sanctuary, Chanting...
Sep 16 2001

Sunday Lecture

Ceremony, Freedom, Intimacy, Impermanence, Mill Valley, Separation, Instruction,...
May 06 2001
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Silence, Buddha Nature, Practice Period, Non-duality, resistance, Gratitude, Lineage...
Mar 21 2001
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Instruction, Suzuki Roshi, realization, Buddha Ancestors, Delusion,...
Feb 28 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Study Period, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Liberation, Instruction, Renunciation...
Jan 28 2001
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Mill Valley, Buddha Nature, Delusion, true dharma, Buddha Ancestors, Teacher-and-...
Dec 03 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Four Noble Truths, Right Effort, Greed, Attachment, Bodhidharma, Karma, Three...
Sep 17 2000
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Interview, Mill Valley, Birth-and-Death, Koan, Bell, Vow, Faith, Liberation, Delusion...
May 21 2000
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Birth-and-Death, Perfect Wisdom, Interview, Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Gratitude,...
May 13 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Buddha Ancestors, Death-and-Dying, Silence, New Year, Priest, Suzuki Roshi,...
Apr 05 2000
Green Gulch

January Practice Period Class

Heart Sutra, Duality, Non-duality, Four Noble Truths, Six Realms, Liberation, Two...
Jan 19 2000
Green Gulch

January Practice Period

Karma, Dragons, Nirvana, Chanting, New Year, Instruction, Zendo, Faith, Sangha,...
Jan 08 2000
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Hate, Fasting, Nirvana, Conversation, Freedom, training
Oct 06 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Precepts, Balance, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil, Vow, Renunciation, Non-duality, Bowing...
Sep 26 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-01872


Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Balance, Vow, Evil, Renunciation, Non-duality,...
Sep 26 1999
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Greed, Offering, Lotus Sutra, Bodhidharma, Liberation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center...
Sep 18 1999
Green Gulch

Wednesday Lecture

Study Period, Birth-and-Death, Book of Serenity, Mill Valley, Buddha Mind, Enemies,...
Aug 04 1999
Green Gulch

One-day Sitting Lecture

Liberation, Vow, Four Noble Truths, Dragons, causation, realization, Birth-and-Death...
Jun 26 1999
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Lotus Sutra, Samsara, Precepts, training, Four Noble Truths, Hate, Vow, Right Effort...
Jan 31 1999
Green Gulch

Pathways to Zen Generosity Awakening

Dragons, Non-duality, Manjushri, Vimalakirti, Duality, Don't Know Mind, Birth-...
Apr 15 1998

Willingness To Be With Our Difficulties

Hate, Four Noble Truths, Suzuki Roshi, Right Speech, Conversation, resistance,...
Dec 28 1996