Myogen Steve Stücky Talks

Showing 26 talks

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Sesshin as a Koan for the Body

Serial: SF-00990

Sesshin Lecture: Easter/Buddha's Birthday; enlightenment experiences; dharmakaya; not doing anything; nirmanakaya; this is your life

Sesshin, Enlightenment, San Quentin, Zazen, Buddha's Birthday, Birth-and-Death,...
Apr 08 2007
Green Gulch

Intelligence of the Natural World

Serial: SF-00941

Sesshin Lecture: frog chorus; silence and activity; pain and fear of pain; Bodhidharma

Bodhidharma, Sesshin, Prajna Paramita, Silence, Buddha Ancestors, Composure, Buddha...
Apr 07 2007
Green Gulch Farm

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-00994

Strategies, gaining ideas; "paying it forward"; close investigation of the self; Orpheus and Eurydice; Rilke; hidden anger - staying with the emotion 

Dongshan, Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi, Monkey Mind, Vow, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Manjushri...
Apr 05 2007
Green Gulch

The Secrets of the Body

Serial: SF-00993

Sesshin Lecture: great effort, no result; ritual, bowing; Diamond Sutra; boundaries

Right Effort, Suzuki Roshi, Bodhisattva Vow, Buddha Nature, Bowing, Bodhisattva Way,...
Apr 04 2007
Green Gulch

Sesshin Practices

Serial: SF-00992

Sesshin Lecture: ordinary mind is the Tao; practice of confession; guilt/shame; Self-Receiving and -Employing Samadhi

Sesshin, Zhaozhou, Ordinary Mind, Suzuki Roshi, Right Effort, Posture, Buddha Nature...
Apr 03 2007
Green Gulch

Living in Accord with Birth and Death

Serial: SF-00991

Sesshin Lecture: confirming Buddha nature; sesshin: gathering of heart/mind; what's the business under the patchwork robe?; story of Patacara

Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Patacara, Birth-and-Death, Practice Period, Lineage, training...
Apr 02 2007
Green Gulch

Developing Confidence in Buddha Nature

Serial: SF-00074

Sunday talk.
Koan with the wild ducks; story of the king who questioned the Buddha; report on global warming.

Baizhang, Global Warming, Buddha Mind, Hindrances, Delusion, Practice Period, Dragons...
Mar 18 2007
Green Gulch Farm

Alignment With The Great Way

Serial: SF-00944

Sunday Lecture - Children's Lecture: waging peace; taking up a practice

Zhaozhou, Suzuki Roshi, Buddha Mind, Peace, Ordinary Mind, Zazen, Lineage, Posture,...
Mar 04 2007
Green Gulch

One-Day Sitting Lecture

Serial: SF-00942

Deshan and the old woman; the distortions of sexism, racism, others; the bodhisattva grandmother; devotion to zazen; bringing attention and support to the natural states/bodily...

Deshan, Family Practice, Dragons, Offering, Delusion, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Vow,...
Feb 17 2007
Green Gulch

Stopping and Listening

Serial: SF-00945

Sunday Lecture Children's Lecture: Baby beluga; why are you here?; Dogen's Three Minds: joyful mind, kind mind, big mind; mother's love as essence of spirituality (...

Big Mind, Bell, Silence, Gratitude, Birth-and-Death, Zendo, Hate, Suzuki Roshi,...
Sep 03 2006
Green Gulch

Walking in Beauty Through Zen Farming

Serial: SF-00073

Wednesday night.

Anger, Mill Valley, Zendo, Suzuki Roshi, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bowing, Heart...
Jul 25 2001

Think Neither Good Nor Bad

Sangha, resistance, Suzuki Roshi, Anger, Nirvana, Offering, Lay, confusion, Peace...
Apr 30 1997

Freedom's Paradox: Stopping to Liberate

Freedom, Bodhisattva Vow, Right Effort, Vow, Happiness, Anger, Daily Life, Precepts,...
Jul 05 1995

Sunday Lecture

causation, Zazen, Balance, Letting Go, Separation, Liberation, Posture, Precepts,...
Apr 24 1994
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Mill Valley, Blue Cliff Record, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Liberation, Harmonizing, Zendo...
Jul 09 1989
Green Gulch

Sunday Lecture

Demons, Karma, Mindfulness, Suzuki Roshi, Mill Valley, Buddha Mind, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Aug 14 1988

Sunday Lecture

Interview, Demons, Doubt, Manjushri, Soto Zen, Gratitude, Practice Period, Enemies,...
Apr 03 1988
Green Gulch

Embrace Presence Amidst Flowing Time

Commitment, Bodhisattva Vow, Attachment, Continuous Practice, Vow, training, Faith...
Nov 01 1987
Green Gulch

Why Become Abbot of Zen Center?

Bodhisattva Vow, Practice Period, Precepts, Gratitude, Vow, Commitment, Bell, Suzuki...

Sesshin Lecture

Serial: SF-00986

Architecture at GGF; Layman Pang; many sesshins; "gamble everything on love"; sesshin romance and the potentiality of the present moment; recognizing your Buddha...

Sesshin, Layman Pang, Suzuki Roshi, Sandokai, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Attachment...
Green Gulch