Patience Talks
Kṣānti (Sanskrit) or khanti (Pāli) is patience, forbearance and forgiveness. It is one of the pāramitās in both Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism. The term can be translated as "patience," "steadfastness," or "endurance," and encompasses meanings such as "forbearance," "acceptance," and "receptivity."
Kṣānti has several applications: It can refer to patience with others, that is, the ability to endure abuse and hardship inflicted by sentient beings while maintaining compassion and commitment to their liberation. Kṣānti can also refer to endurance on the path, the resolve to withstand the difficulties encountered during the long journey toward Buddhahood without losing focus on liberating all beings from saṃsāra. Finally, it can also mean receptivity to the truths of reality. This is a profound acceptance of the ultimate truths, including impermanence, suffering, emptiness, and non-self, as realized during advanced stages of meditation.
Title | Speaker | |
Lion's Roar Letting Go, Buddha Mind, Teacher-and-Student, confusion, Patience, Liberation,... |
Dec 27 1988 SFZC |
NgondroSerial: SF-01861 Class Teacher-and-Student, Patience, Emotions, Emptiness, Samsara, Happiness, Liberation,... |
Nov 1988 SFZC |
Sunday Lecture Cultivation, Enemies, Daily Life, Precepts, Mill Valley, Gratitude, Mindfulness,... |
Jul 17 1988 Green Gulch |
YontenzotSerial: SF-01863B "Chhoje Tulku" Karma, Teacher-and-Student, Doubt, realization, Patience, Zoom, confusion, Obstacles... |
May 01 1988 SFZC |
YontenzotSerial: SF-01831 "Chhoje Tulku" Patience, Samsara, Emptiness, Two Truths, confusion, Evil, Happiness, Ego, Passions,... |
Apr 24 1988 SFZC |
YontenzotSerial: SF-01832 "Chhoje Tulku" realization, Beginners, Nirvana Sutra, Emotions, Bodhisattva Vow, Religion, Obstacles... |
Apr 24 1988 SFZC |
Yontenzot Emptiness, Duality, Happiness, confusion, Emotions, Samsara, Karma, Separation,... |
Apr 23 1988 SFZC |
Yontenzot training, Duality, Ego, realization, confusion, Beginners, Samsara, Evil, Instruction... |
Apr 23 1988 SFZC |
Energy Balance, Emotions, Patience, Happiness, confusion, Don't Know Mind, realization... |
Feb 05 1988 SFZC |
Eyes Open: Engaged Presence in Zazen Suzuki Roshi, Letting Go, Liberation, Conversation, confusion, Non-duality, Duality,... |
Dec 01 1987 SFZC |
Zen Unfolding: From Karma to Emptiness Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Happiness, training,... |
Nov 21 1987 SFZC |
Sunday Lecture Mindfulness, Daily Life, Posture, Half-Smile, Non-violence, Cultivation, Precepts,... |
May 24 1987 SFZC |
Sunday Lecture Patience, Half-Smile, Anger, Emotions, Equanimity, Vow, Cultivation, Observe, Demons... |
Jan 18 1987 Green Gulch |
Mindful Moments: Path to PresenceSerial: SF-04003 May be part of sesshin series Doubt, Birth-and-Death, resistance, Silence, Posture, Zendo, Dragons, Patience,... |
1987 SFZC |
Dining Room class Silence, Current Events, Religion, Monastic Practice, Faith, Sanctuary, Fox, Patience... |
Jun 14 1981 1 Tassajara |
Lecture Dragons, Demons, Patience, Zoom, Happiness, Composure, Interview, Tassajara Zen... |
Nov 30 1980 SFZC |
Poetry Reading Don't Know Mind, Observe, Silence, Conversation, Peace, Funeral, Cultivation,... |
Aug 01 1980 SFZC |