Ordinary Mind Talks
Showing 207 talks
Title | Speaker | |
Because I Was Not WellSerial: SF-05143A SR023 Track 1 Suzuki Roshi's afternoon sesshin 4-23-68 copied [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator's... Sesshin, Koan, Ordinary Mind, everyday mind, Faith, Composure, Doubt, Religion... |
Apr 23 1968 A Tassajara |
Union of Mind and Presence Buddha Nature, Ordinary Mind, Big Mind, Commitment, Concentration, Letting Go,... |
Aug 22 198 Unknown |
Transformation of ConsciousnessSerial: SF-02708 Harmonium Mundi Emptiness, Forgiveness, Liberation, Karma, Anger, Ordinary Mind, Equanimity, Daily... |
The Eighth PreceptSerial: SF-04088 Side A and Side B and continued on the next tape Monastic Practice, Precepts, Gratitude, Freedom, Ordinary Mind, training, Religion,... |
Sesshin LectureSerial: SF-00986 Architecture at GGF; Layman Pang; many sesshins; "gamble everything on love"; sesshin romance and the potentiality of the present moment; recognizing your Buddha... Sesshin, Layman Pang, Suzuki Roshi, Sandokai, Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind, Attachment... |