Kyoto Talks

Showing 18 talks

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Title Speaker

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01131B

Tape 4 copy 1

Rinzai, Chanting, Intuition, Continuous Practice, Bell, Lay, Zazen, Freedom,...
Mar 01 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01135

Tape 4 copy 2 - duplicate

Chanting, Bowing, Rinzai, Ceremony, Bell, Conversation, Zendo, Priest, Intuition...
Mar 01 1966

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01130

Tape 6 copy 1

Dana, Lay, Priest, Zazen, Religion, Zendo, Mahayana, training, Soto Zen,...
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01133

Tape 9 copy 1

Lay, Ceremony, Peace
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An's History

Serial: SF-01134

Tape 8 copy 1

Doubt, Continuous Practice, Interview, Conversation, confusion, Religion, Peace...
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01139

Tape 5 copy 1

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, training, Sanctuary, Transmission, Zendo, Continuous...
Mar 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01137B

Tape 2 copy 1

Lay, Priest, Rinzai, Doubt, Religion
Feb 25 1966

On Sokatsu-Shaku, Goto-Roshi, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01124

Tape 3 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Lay, Zendo, training, Ceremony, Freedom, Interview, Concentration, Passions,...
Feb 25 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01131A

Tape 4 copy 1

Chanting, Bowing, Zendo, Ceremony, Posture, Priest, Zazen, training, Peace
Feb 25 1966

On Sokatsu-Shaku, Goto-Roshi, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01138

Tape 3 copy 1

Priest, Lay, training, Ceremony, Zendo, Freedom, Doubt, Soto Zen, Concentration,...
Feb 25 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01128

Tape 2 copy 2 - duplicate

Lay, Priest, Zendo, Doubt, Ceremony, Bowing, Zazen, Religion
Feb 22 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01129

Tape 1 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Zazen, Peace, Funeral, Soto Zen, Chanting...
Feb 22 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01136

Tape 1 copy 1

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Soto Zen, Funeral, Chanting, Observe, Enemies...
Feb 22 1966

On Nanshin-Ken, Sokatsu-Shaku

Serial: SF-01137A

Tape 2 copy 1

Priest, Lay, Zendo, Ceremony, Bowing, Transmission, Emotions, Doubt, Peace
Feb 22 1966

1966, Serial No. 03507

Serial: SF-03507

Re: Various roshis; Sokei-An history - copy 1

Priest, Dragons, Nirvana, Lay, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Conversation, Zendo, Ceremony...

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01123

Tape 5 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, Sanctuary, training, Interview, Transmission, Zendo...

On Various Roshis, Sokei-An History

Serial: SF-01125

Tape 7 copy 2

Priest, Dragons, Nirvana, Sanctuary, Rinzai, Bell, Evil, Conversation, Lay, Faith...

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01126

Tape 6 copy 2 - duplicate

Religion, Priest, New Year, Lay, Mahayana, Dana, Zendo, Zazen, training, Rinzai...