Offering Talks

Showing 504 talks

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Title Speaker


Dharma Transmission, Big Mind, Heart Sutra, Family Practice, Greed, Offering, Vow,...
Jan 24 2008

One-Day Sitting Lecture

Serial: SF-00942

Deshan and the old woman; the distortions of sexism, racism, others; the bodhisattva grandmother; devotion to zazen; bringing attention and support to the natural states/bodily...

Deshan, Family Practice, Dragons, Offering, Delusion, Heart Sutra, Mindfulness, Vow,...
Feb 17 2007
Green Gulch


Lay, Offering, Monastic Practice, Funeral, Meditation, Continuous Practice,...
Jan 17 2007


Subject-and-Object, Non-discrimination, Intention, Daily Life, Lineage, Posture,...
Jan 17 2007


Oneness, Ordination, Teacher-and-Student, Culture, Patience, Happiness, Offering...
Jan 16 2007

Seijiki Ceremony - Relating to Death and Dying

Serial: SF-00029

Heading into winter; what is the most important thing at the end of your life? taking refuge; how are we also hungry ghosts; six realms.

Ceremony, Offering, Vow, Ordination, Death-and-Dying, Six Realms, Sangha, Emptiness,...
Oct 29 2006
