Impermanence Talks

Impermanence, also known as the philosophical problem of change, is a philosophical concept addressed in a variety of religions and philosophies. In Eastern philosophy it is notable for its role in the Buddhist three marks of existence. It is also an important element of Hinduism. In Western philosophy it is most famously known through its first appearance in Greek philosophy in the writings of Heraclitus and in his doctrine of panta rhei (everything flows). In Western philosophy the concept is also referred to as becoming.

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Showing 378 talks

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Title Speaker

Zendo Lecture

Practice Period, Impermanence, Balance, Five Ranks, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Mar 21 2005

Four Motivations For Practice

Serial: SF-00928

Sunday Lecture: 1- rare to be born as human; 2 - impermanence of life; 3 - the effect of actions; 4 - suffering of cyclical existence. What is the practice? Letting go of fear...

Liberation, Impermanence, Happiness, Aspects of Practice, Birth-and-Death, Letting Go...
Oct 17 2004
Green Gulch

Living Zen: Emotional Authenticity Unveiled

Emotions, Impermanence, Emptiness, Intuition, Practice Period, Conversation,...
Oct 02 2004
City Center

Stillness in the Flow of Time

Practice Period, Zazen, Instruction, Zendo, Beginners, Impermanence, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 27 2004
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-04035

Allow posture to align, pathway to liberation. Cultivate capacity to observe, name and describe, notice what we turn away from? Then cultivate interest and curiosity - zen...

Cultivation, resistance, Observe, Don't Know Mind, Impermanence, Posture,...
Nov 09 2003
Green Gulch

Awakening Through Zen Impermanence

Mindfulness, Suzuki Roshi, Impermanence, Practice Period, Intimacy, Priest, Zazen,...
Oct 11 2003
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Serial: SF-04083

Anti-war activities. Suzuki Roshi's response to Lew's question "What is war?" Wrinkles on goza mat.

Suzuki Roshi, Zazen, Peace, Samadhi, Manjushri, Oneness, Beginners, Samsara,...
Mar 23 2003
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-04034

Sunday Lecture: Being present with one's own suffering. Aversion and attraction. Thought of stealing bowl. War situation.

Suzuki Roshi, Enemies, Cultivation, Obstacles, Emotions, Impermanence, Mahayana,...
Mar 09 2003
Green Gulch

Gratitude For This Practice

Serial: SF-04042

Sunday Lecture: Fear - fear is spawning ground for negative emotions. Attention to breath. How to work with difficult mental states. Walking and attention to breath. Busyness...

Anger, Emotions, training, Cultivation, Impermanence, Gratitude, Suzuki Roshi,...
Nov 24 2002
Green Gulch


Serial: SF-04014

Summer intensive

Constancy, Birth-and-Death, Emotions, Delusion, Lovingkindness, Letting Go, Doubt,...
Aug 02 2002
City Center


Serial: SF-04017

Summer intensive

Demons, Subject-and-Object, Letting Go, Separation, Emptiness, Soto Zen, Happiness,...
Jul 31 2002
City Center

Embracing Impermanence with Compassion

Impermanence, Blue Cliff Record, Hate, Non-violence, Birth-and-Death, Vow, Precepts,...
Apr 13 2002
City Center

Zen and Poetry Class

Silence, confusion, Suzuki Roshi, Interdependence, Politics, Impermanence, Bell, Evil...
Mar 12 2002
Green Gulch

Zen and Poetry Class

Emptiness, Blue Cliff Record, Duality, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Aspects...
Feb 19 2002
Green Gulch

Embracing Divine Dialogue in Relationships

Commitment, Intimacy, Absolute-and-Relative, Impermanence, Monastic Practice,...
Jan 11 2002
City Center

Sunday Lecture

Emptiness, Concentration, Buddha's Birthday, Happiness, causation, Priest,...
Dec 02 2001
Green Gulch
