Dana Talks

Showing 36 talks

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Title Speaker

Dining Room Lecture

Right Speech, Sangha, Practice Period, Dana, Suzuki Roshi, Diversity, Intimacy,...
Apr 27 2004

Dogen Class: Miracles

Zazen, Intimacy, Lineage, Dream World, Lotus Sutra, Teacher-and-Student, Don't...
Nov 17 2003
Green Gulch

Presence Beyond Ego: Path to Unity

Four Noble Truths, Emotions, Letting Go, Right Effort, Right Speech, Separation, Ego...
Apr 20 2002
City Center

Hindrances: Fear

Hindrances, Don't Know Mind, Letting Go, Dana, Anger, Emotions, Suzuki Roshi,...
Dec 03 2000
City Center

Saturday Lecture

Right Speech, Dana, Precepts, Suzuki Roshi, Attachment, Intimacy, Duality, Non-...
May 20 2000
City Center

Wednesday Lecture

Practice Period, Silence, Posture, Three Treasures, Mindfulness, Tassajara Zen...
Apr 01 1998
Green Gulch

Saturday Lecture

Daily Life, Non-discrimination, Observe, Dana, realization, Emptiness, Discrimination...
Jan 24 1998
City Center

Saturday Lecture

Two Truths, Attachment, Non-attachment, Separation, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Oct 25 1997
City Center

Obstacles as Pathways to Enlightenment

Obstacles, Anger, Doubt, Enemies, Dana, Emotions, Observe, Bell, Vow, Instruction...
Jul 23 1989

On Kechimyaku, Inka and Robes

Serial: SF-00028

Interviewed by Kazuaki Tanahashi; brief history of studies in Rinzai dojo; nature of being a roshi.

Hate, Dana, Religion, Intuition, Lineage, Evil, Happiness, Freedom, Doubt
Jan 09 1977

Reflections on the Prajna Paramita Sutra

Serial: SF-05135A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #19, by Shundo David Haye =====

This is the talk that was chosen by the...

Sesshin, Sengai, Time, Emptiness, Ego, Continuous Practice, Evil, Nirvana,...
Aug 24 1967


Serial: SF-05093F

Thursday, August 18, 1966
SESSHIN LECTURE: Thursday, 1:00 pm, Lecture B
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Buddha Mind, Birth-and-Death, Dana, Fasting, Interdependence
Aug 18 1966

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01130

Tape 6 copy 1

Dana, Lay, Priest, Zazen, Religion, Zendo, Mahayana, training, Soto Zen,...
Mar 1966

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01126

Tape 6 copy 2 - duplicate

Religion, Priest, New Year, Lay, Mahayana, Dana, Zendo, Zazen, training, Rinzai...