Unknown Date, Serial 00938

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A: Back Up

Speaker: Steve Stuky
Location: SFZC
Possible Title: Why SFZC Abbot?
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Unexpected talk on side B.


But I also think that even the great religious traditions that you just mentioned, because the problem with them for us is that we don't come to them with a fresh mind. So, if you think, for instance, about the central statement of Judaism, which is, �Hear, everybody, listen up, guys, everybody. The Lord is many, the Lord is one.� What does that sound like? You know? �Listen up, guys. It's everything. It's one.� So, even that is a mystery.


We don't know what the teaching of Jesus is, and we don't know what the teaching of Abraham is. We just don't know. We don't know what the impact was on the people around them. We don't know what the meaning of that teaching is. We think we know. If there's anyone who hasn't spoken, who needs to speak, this would be a good time, because we've got another minute or two of class. Charlie, Rosalie, anything? Bert? I'm just wondering if that same metaphor is, you know, in ultimate truth, would be mountains are not mountains, and rivers are not rivers. Mountains are mountains, and rivers are rivers.


And this is where great faith, great doubt, and great determination come in. Because first, a mountain is a mountain, and a river is a river. Next, mountains are not mountains, and rivers are not rivers. But if you stay in the world in which mountains are not mountains, and rivers are not rivers, that's called the stink of sin, and it's called the black cave of demons by Dogen Zenji, and it's not a good place to live. It's the place where, I think I've told this story before, but one time we were in Sashin in the 70s, and a very dear teacher from here was sitting Sashin. And the teacher's wife was sitting in the window sill, the window seat, at the front door, and that little hexagonal table was there. And the baby was crying and crying, so as we came up from lunch, the baby was crying


and crying, and the mother had the baby on that little hexagonal table and was trying to figure out what was going on with the baby. And the guy who was sitting in the Sashin came along from lunch, or whatever, and saw his wife and kid, and went like this, and was headed on. And the mother said, �Would you get over here and pick up the baby? Quit that bowing!� And anyway, first, second, and last, you know? So, I think we have to stop. So, to be continued?


Unless you have one word that will work it all out for everybody. That's a good word. Okay. Thank you very much. Should we do the four vows? Beings are numberless. I vow to save them. Delusions are inexhaustible. I vow to end them. Dharma gates are boundless. I vow to enter them. Buddha's way is unsurpassable. I vow to become it. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

