OLD - Form and Emptiness

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End of 69-07-09


So should we listen to our lecture? With thinking mind, yeah. This is, you know, the training of our thinking mind. And if you give lecture like this, it will be good training. Following the thinking mind and giving freedom to thinking mind. That is how you give, how you make teisho. Teisho means, does not mean to give you some idea, but to give good suggestion to the reality. That is, te is to take up something. This is it, is teisho.


Roshi, if everything is always changing, does that not mean in effect that nothing has changed? Effect? Well, would not that, if everything is always changing, then nothing is changing. Then there is no change, if everything is always changing. The change would in effect cancel the change, making nothing change. If everything is always changing, then nothing is changing. Because everything is changing, nothing changes. Yeah, that is right understanding. So this is just game of the world. Everything changes. It means nothing changes. Everything changes. Nothing changes.


But if you, because you see just one part of it, it changes part of it. If everything is changing, one big fall, big thing is not changing, something is always there. But it is changing. But as Prajnaparamita Sutra says, doesn't increase, doesn't decrease. It doesn't be tainted. It doesn't be... It will not be pure.


It will not be pure. And this is actual. There are two ways of listening to the lecture. One is to listen to it as an exercise of your thinking mind. And the other is to know our practice precisely. How much we have, how much freedom we have from thinking mind. So, if you are disturbed by my lecture, there is something.


That is, it means you still stick to some idea, some way of thinking. So, how I answer to the question is to find out what kind of thinking mind he has and explain his own thinking mind. And let him realize his thinking mind is not always right. So, he will give up his own thinking mind, his way of thinking mind which he always, always sticks to.

