Suzuki Roshi Talks

Showing 429 talks

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Practice Zazen With Your Whole Mind And Body

Serial: SF-05131B

This is lecture D from these notes on the reel boxes (05132-B was added to this)
Several minutes of tape operator's notes at the end are included, the transcript was...

Instruction, Zazen, Posture, Beginners, Funeral, Religion, Instruction, Emotions,...
Sep 08 1967

If Our Teaching Is A Special Teaching

Serial: SF-05130B

SR013 date? Fall 1967 Tassajara III - Side 2 2nd half - Part of Suzuki lecture copied

Sep 1967

Zen Is Also Buddhism

Serial: SF-05130C

SR013 date? Fall 1967 Tassajara III - Side 1 + 1/2 side 2 Suzuki lecture copied

Mahayana, New Year, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Concentration, Balance, Freedom,...
Sep 1967

Shosan Ceremony

August Sesshin, 1967
August 24, 1967

[Opening sentences of Introduction missed.]

Sesshin, Shosan,
Aug 24 1967

Genjo Koan no 4

Serial: SF-05136

Track 1 17/8 - Suzuki lectures - beginning missed, one or two sentences; beginning: This is the last lecture of sesshin. We have talked of emptiness and form, but have not...

Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Time, Faith, Emptiness, Continuous Practice, Dragons...
Aug 24 1967

Reflections on the Prajna Paramita Sutra

Serial: SF-05135A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #19, by Shundo David Haye =====

This is the talk that was chosen by the...

Sesshin, Sengai, Time, Emptiness, Ego, Continuous Practice, Evil, Nirvana,...
Aug 24 1967

To Polish A Tile Is Our Practice Actually

Serial: SF-05135B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #18, by Shundo David Haye =====

Further to the date confusion and missing talks discussed last time, it seems that even Suzuki Roshi...

Sesshin, Prajna Paramita, Shobogenzo, Discrimination, Silence
Aug 23 1967

Buddhism Is Not a Special Teaching; Enlightenment Is Not a Particular Stage

Serial: SF-05134D

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #17, by Shundo David Haye =====

About half way through this sesshin talk, you can start to hear crickets in the background, getting...

Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Enemies, Continuous Practice, Doubt, Religion, Peace...
Aug 23 1967

Genjo Koan no 2

Serial: SF-05134C

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #16, by Shundo David Haye =====

This third talk from the historic inaugural sesshin at Tassajara in 1967, given the day after the...

Sesshin, Dogen, Priest, Emptiness, Dragons, confusion, Hate
Aug 21 1967

Genjo Koan

Serial: SF-05134A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #14, by Shundo David Haye =====

The acquisition of Tassajara in 1967 was a huge leap for Zen Center. Suzuki Roshi had long been...

Genjokoan, Dogen, Sesshin, Emptiness, New Year, Interview, Freedom
Aug 20 1967

When You Have A New Experience

Serial: SF-05134B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #15, by Shundo David Haye =====

This talk was given later on the same day of the first Tassajara sesshin as the last one discussed (...

Sesshin, Faith, Doubt
Aug 20 1967

This Sesshin Was Wonderfully Done

Serial: SF-05100C

Saturday, April 22, 1967
Sesshin Lecture B
San Francisco

Sesshin, Priest, Evil, Doubt, training
Apr 22 1967

In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudō-yōjin-shū

Sesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, training, Instruction,...
Dec 17 1966

The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05121B

Original recording

Sesshin, Dogen, training, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Instruction, Doubt
Dec 17 1966
