Soto Zen Talks

Sōtō Zen or the Sōtō school (曹洞宗, Sōtō-shū) is the largest of the three traditional sects of Zen in Japanese Buddhism (the others being Rinzai and Ōbaku). It is the Japanese line of the Chinese Cáodòng school, which was founded during the Tang dynasty by Dòngshān Liánjiè. It emphasizes Shikantaza, meditation with no objects, anchors, or content. The meditator strives to be aware of the stream of thoughts, allowing them to arise and pass away without interference.

The Japanese brand of the sect was imported in the 13th century by Dōgen Zenji, who studied Cáodòng Buddhism (Chinese: 曹洞宗; pinyin: Cáodòng Zōng) abroad in China. Dōgen is remembered today as the ancestor of Sōtō Zen in Japan along with Keizan Jōkin.

With about 14,000 temples, Sōtō is one of the largest Japanese Buddhist organizations. Sōtō Zen is now also popular in the West, and in 1996 priests of the Sōtō Zen tradition formed the Soto Zen Buddhist Association based in North America.

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Showing 478 talks

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Title Speaker

The True Dragon

Dogen, Baso, Dragons, Freedom, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Bodhidharma, Instruction, Zazen...
Oct 12 1968

The Ten Powers Of A Bodhisattva

Serial: SF-05106

Sunday Morning, August 25, 1968
[This date is probably incorrect. Earlier (July 21, 1968), Suzuki mentioned that he had already explained the ten powers of a bodhisattva....

Bodhisattva, Dogen, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Five Ranks, Attachment, Posture,...
Aug 25 1968

What is Soto and what is Rinzai?

Serial: SF-05144A

SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the content
NB: the date for the SR talk in...

Soto Zen, Rinzai, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Evil, Bowing, Mahayana, Gratitude, Ego...
Jul 26 1968

Esalen Institute: First of two lectures

Serial: SF-05870

This is the first of two talks given at Esalen.

Dogen, Time, Four Noble Truths, Lotus Sutra, New Year, Continuous Practice, Emptiness...
Jun 28 1968

On Japanese Zen, Christians and Zen, Various Roshis

Serial: SF-01130

Tape 6 copy 1

Dana, Lay, Priest, Zazen, Religion, Zendo, Mahayana, training, Soto Zen,...
Mar 1966

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01139

Tape 5 copy 1

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, training, Sanctuary, Transmission, Zendo, Continuous...
Mar 1966

On Sokatsu-Shaku, Goto-Roshi, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01138

Tape 3 copy 1

Priest, Lay, training, Ceremony, Zendo, Freedom, Doubt, Soto Zen, Concentration,...
Feb 25 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01129

Tape 1 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Zazen, Peace, Funeral, Soto Zen, Chanting...
Feb 22 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01136

Tape 1 copy 1

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Soto Zen, Funeral, Chanting, Observe, Enemies...
Feb 22 1966


Dependent Origination, Daily Life, Soto Zen, Subject-and-Object, New Year, Rinzai,...


Buddha Nature, causation, Big Mind, Nirvana Sutra, Soto Zen, Don't Know Mind,...


Religion, Emotions, Passions, Culture, Buddha Nature, Soto Zen, training, confusion,...

On Sokei-An, Harada-Roshi, Yasutani-Roshi

Serial: SF-01123

Tape 5 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Soto Zen, Lay, Rinzai, Sanctuary, training, Interview, Transmission, Zendo...
