Samadhi Talks

Samādhi (Pali and Sanskrit: समाधि), in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and yogic schools, is a state of meditative consciousness. In many Indian religious traditions, the cultivation of Samādhi through various meditation methods is essential for the attainment of spiritual liberation (known variously as nirvana, moksha).

In Buddhism, it is the last of the eight elements of the Noble Eightfold Path. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In Jain meditation, samadhi is considered one of the last stages of the practice just prior to liberation.

In the oldest Buddhist sutras, on which several contemporary western Theravada teachers rely, it refers to the development of an investigative and luminous mind that is equanimous and mindful. In the yogic traditions and the Buddhist commentarial tradition, on which the Burmese Vipassana movement and the Thai Forest tradition rely, it is interpreted as a meditative absorption or trance attained by the practice of dhyāna.

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Title Speaker


Precepts, Meditation, training, Sangha, Monastic Practice, Vow, Mindfulness, Samadhi...
Aug 07 2010


difficulty, Precepts, Passions, Samadhi, Samsara, Intention, Daily Life, Subject-and-...
Oct 03 2008


Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Oneness, Buddha Ancestors, difficulty, Impermanence,...
Jan 22 2008


Buddha Mind, Buddha Ancestors, Compassion, Soto Zen, Samadhi, Dependent Origination,...
Jan 21 2008

Sesshin as a Koan for the Body

Serial: SF-00990

Sesshin Lecture: Easter/Buddha's Birthday; enlightenment experiences; dharmakaya; not doing anything; nirmanakaya; this is your life

Sesshin, Enlightenment, San Quentin, Zazen, Buddha's Birthday, Birth-and-Death,...
Apr 08 2007
Green Gulch


Buddha Nature, Nirvana Sutra, Attachment, Samadhi, Bodhidharma, Sangha, Happiness,...
Jan 14 2007

Seijiki Ceremony - Relating to Death and Dying

Serial: SF-00029

Heading into winter; what is the most important thing at the end of your life? taking refuge; how are we also hungry ghosts; six realms.

Ceremony, Offering, Vow, Ordination, Death-and-Dying, Six Realms, Sangha, Emptiness,...
Oct 29 2006

Buddhas And Sentient Beings Are Not Two

Serial: SF-01026

One-day sitting lecture: positive encouragement; nirvana; five hindrances; preliminary practices; three worlds; jhanas - benefits and ptifalls; Four Noble Truths; Mahayana...

Hindrances, Nirvana, Concentration, Samadhi, Four Noble Truths, Liberation, Freedom,...
Sep 16 2006
Green Gulch

Mysticism Beyond Boundaries: Experiential Communion

Silent Illumination, Religion, Doubt, Faith, realization, Monastic Practice, Offering...
Aug 02 2005
