Lotus Sutra Talks

The Lotus Sūtra (Sanskrit: Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtram, Sūtra on the White Lotus of the True Dharma, Chinese: 妙法蓮華經) is one of the most influential and venerated Buddhist Mahāyāna sūtras. It is the main scripture on which the Tiantai along with its derivative schools, the Japanese Tendai, Korean Cheontae, Vietnamese Thiên Thai and Nichiren schools of Buddhism were established. It is also influential for other East Asian Buddhist schools, such as Zen. According to the British Buddhologist Paul Williams, "For many Buddhists in East Asia since early times, the Lotus Sūtra contains the final teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha—complete and sufficient for salvation." The American Buddhologist Donald S. Lopez Jr. writes that the Lotus Sūtra "is arguably the most famous of all Buddhist texts," presenting "a radical re-vision of both the Buddhist path and of the person of the Buddha."

Two central teachings of the Lotus Sūtra have been very influential for Mahāyāna Buddhism. The first is the doctrine of the One Vehicle, which says that all Buddhist paths and practices lead to Buddhahood and so they are all actually "skillful means" of reaching Buddhahood. The second is the idea that the lifespan of the Buddha is immeasurable and that therefore, he did not really pass on into final Nirvana (he only appeared to do so as upāya), but is still active teaching the Dharma.

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Showing 461 talks

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Serial: SF-01838

"Chhoje Tulku"

Karma, Attachment, Samsara, Duality, realization, Lotus Sutra, Obstacles, Light-and-...
May 01 1988

Blue Cliff Record Class

Serial: SF-00070

Cases 14 and 15

Suzuki Roshi, First Principle, Oneness, Lotus Sutra, Karma, Transmission, Dragons,...
Nov 27 1987
Green Gulch Farm

November 21st, 1987, Serial No. 01003, Side A

Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Heart Sutra, Birth-and-Death, Happiness, training,...
Nov 21 1987

June 13th, 1987, Serial No. 01006

realization, Lotus Sutra, Discrimination, Bodhisattva Way, Delusion, Conversation,...
Jun 13 1987


Mantra, Buddha Nature, Lotus Sutra, Soto Zen, Zazen, Bowing, Chanting, Posture, Bell...
May 03 1987
Green Gulch Farm

The Fourth Grave Precept: Not Lying

Subject-and-Object, Karmic Consciousness, Precepts, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Four Noble...
Aug 09 1983

Application of the Practice - Feminism and Buddhism in the Diamond Sangha

Ceremony, Lotus Sutra, Silence, Anger, Passions, Offering, Balance, Doubt, Peace...
Aug 14 1981

Five Masters in the Kamakura Period

Lotus Sutra, Faith, Chanting, Evil, Vow, Precepts, Ceremony, Demons, Sangha, Lineage...
Mar 03 1978
