Enemies Talks

Showing 473 talks

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Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05143B

SR023 Track 1 to 1/3 of other side Suzuki Roshi Question and Answer ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A...

Sesshin, Shosan, Emptiness, Attachment, Hate, Faith, Interview, Enemies, Evil, Doubt...
Apr 23 1968

OLD - Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05330

Copy - tape 1 of 2 Suzuki Roshi Q&A ceremony - no date (Spring '68?) - copy of o/r 68-04-23 - duplicate

Attachment, Hate, Faith, Enemies, Bell, Evil, Vow, Emptiness
Apr 23 1968

Samantabadra Buddha

Serial: SF-05138B

SR022 - VII 1: Roshi talk - Meal Sutra (copied) - 2: " little bit 2: (ready to go at 000 after Jan 11 lecture) (copied) - ZMC - 1968 year?

Offering, Enemies, Bowing, Bell, Vow, Karma, Faith, Ceremony
Jan 12 1968

OLD - Samantabdra Buddha

Serial: SF-05764B

SR-68-01-11-B-1 (start) (continued) repeats 68-01-12

Enemies, Ceremony
Jan 12 1968

The Practice of Constancy

Serial: SF-05132-A

SR015 - On this tape is Lecture C and last part of Lecture D. This tape is known as the C lecture tape of as #2 - Track 1 Roshi's Lecture C 9/12/67 - copied

Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva, Precepts, Constancy, New Year, Mahayana, Enemies, Anger...
Sep 12 1967

OLD - Using Various Stones

Serial: SF-05131C

SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture A 9/8/67...

Enemies, Evil, Emotions, Hate
Sep 08 1967

Reflections on the Prajna Paramita Sutra

Serial: SF-05135A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #19, by Shundo David Haye =====

This is the talk that was chosen by the...

Sesshin, Sengai, Time, Emptiness, Ego, Continuous Practice, Evil, Nirvana,...
Aug 24 1967

Buddhism Is Not a Special Teaching; Enlightenment Is Not a Particular Stage

Serial: SF-05134D

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #17, by Shundo David Haye =====

About half way through this sesshin talk, you can start to hear crickets in the background, getting...

Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Enemies, Continuous Practice, Doubt, Religion, Peace...
Aug 23 1967


Serial: SF-05097-D

Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2
Track 1 contd: Most of Suzuki's 6pm Lecture, Thursday evening continued on track 4
Track 4 continuation and finish of 6pm lecture of...

Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Buddha Nature,...
Aug 18 1966


Serial: SF-05093-J

Suzuki lecture 6pm Weds Track 2, continued on Track 3

Sesshin, Time, Freedom, Happiness, Fox, Oneness, Enemies, Offering, Evil, Lay...
Aug 17 1966

We Are Not Perfect

Serial: SF-05080-A

Sesshin talk. At the beginning, Suzuki Roshi is drawing from Dogen's "Bodhisattva's Four Methods of Guidance." The methods are also in Shushogi.

Sesshin, Bodhisattva, Shushogi, Happiness, Enemies
Jul 23 1966

We Are Always Helping Others

Serial: SF-05080-B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #13, by Shundo David Haye =====

This tape is, happily, the last of the messed-up recordings from the first half of 1966. It is the...

Shushogi, Enemies, training, Faith
Jul 23 1966

Genjō Kōan, 5-13

Serial: SF-05096-A

May Sesshin (25 26 added later) 1 or 6pm lecture plus lecture the following morning.
SR 009

Dogen, Genjokoan, Enemies, Faith, realization, Addiction, Peace
May 25 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01136

Tape 1 copy 1

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Soto Zen, Funeral, Chanting, Observe, Enemies...
Feb 22 1966

Most Of You Are Beginners

Serial: SF-05124-D

One-Day Sesshin Afternoon Lecture
Saturday, December 11, 1965, Lecture A
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Precepts, Precepts, Observe, Beginners, Enemies,...
Dec 11 1965

Beginner's Mind

Serial: SF-05122

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #1, by Shundo David Haye =====

When this particular, otherwise unremarkable, reel was photographed as part of Engage Wisdom’s...

Beginner’s Mind, Dogen, Precepts, Beginners, Precepts, Enemies, Posture
Nov 11 1965
Los Altos

OLD - Sesshin, Sixth Night Lecture

Serial: SF-05910

SR summer sesshin 1969 6th night lecture #4 copy master

Posture, Beginners, Duality, Enemies, Hate, Ceremony

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Impermanence, Teacher-and-Student, resistance, Daily Life, Enemies, Lay, Precepts,...

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Anger, Mindfulness, Birth-and-Death, Peace, Concentration, Avalokiteshvara, Non-...

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Peace, Happiness, Daily Life, Mindfulness, Concentration, Enemies, Instruction, Anger...

Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Enemies, Non-violence, Happiness, Peace, Mindfulness, Zoom, Anger, Non-duality,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Buddhism and the Western Poetic Imagination

Serial: SF-01844

Commercially Produced cassette: Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94706 - duplicate

Silence, Conversation, Faith, Darkness and Light, Enemies, Freedom, Letting Go, Lay,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Buddhism and the Western Poetic Imagination

Serial: SF-01847

Commercially Produced cassette: Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94706

Silence, Conversation, Darkness and Light, Faith, Enemies, Freedom, Lay, Letting Go,...

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Seminar 2

Serial: SF-03145

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette - duplicate

Interview, Suzuki Roshi, Heart Sutra, Hate, Bell, Zazen, Emptiness, Enemies, Passions...


Gratitude, causation, Dependent Origination, Oneness, Culture, Zazen, Breath, Enemies...


Buddha Nature, Diversity, Impermanence, Ego, Attachment, Happiness, Subject-and-...


Funeral, Enemies

SFZC Service

Serial: SF-00014

Early Seventies

City Center

OLD - Sesshin, Sixth Night Lecture

Serial: SF-05210

Protection Master. Made from cassette: "summer sesshin 1969 Roshi lecture 6th night #4". Bell or wind ringing Secret of breath creating practice. Explanation of shosan...

Enemies, Posture

Transformation of Consciousness

Anger, Emotions, Attachment, Ego, Enemies, Freedom, Intimacy, First Principle, New...


Evil, Passions, Peace, Precepts, confusion, Fox, Obstacles, Silence, Enemies, Balance...

Philosophy of the Tao

Serial: SF-03043

Part II and Part IV

resistance, Balance, First Principle, Freedom, Doubt, Enemies, Faith, Greed, Letting...

Transformation of Consciousness

Karma, Addiction, Karmic Consequences, Freedom, Evil, Anger, Daily Life, Buddha...

Religion and Sexuality

Serial: SF-03020B


Enemies, Religion, Enthusiasm, Evil, Instruction, Observe, Balance, Vow, Karma,...

Death and Rebirth Part 2

Serial: SF-03029A


Dependent Origination, Mahayana, Evil, Conversation, Impermanence, Ego, Enemies,...

The Joker

Ego, Liberation, Letting Go, Passions, Evil, Silence, Enemies, Offering, Balance,...
