Chanting Talks

A chant (from French chanter, from Latin cantare, "to sing") is the iterative speaking or singing of words or sounds, often primarily on one or two main pitches called reciting tones. Chants may range from a simple melody involving a limited set of notes to highly complex musical structures, often including a great deal of repetition of musical subphrases, such as Great Responsories and Offertories of Gregorian chant. Chant may be considered speech, music, or a heightened or stylized form of speech. In the Late Middle Ages, some religious chant evolved into song (forming one of the roots of later Western music).

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Showing 436 talks

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Title Speaker

Ekō Lecture 2

Serial: SR-00229

The Second Morning Eko, Part 1 of 3
Friday Evening, July 10, 1970

[This is the second in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted...

Eko, Chanting, Chanting, Anger, Buddha Nature, Mahayana, heart, Karma, Meditation,...
Jul 10 1970

Chanting Service

Serial: SF-05095D

This segment of chanting was separated from 05095-B - Shushogi, Section 1

Mar 13 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01135

Tape 4 copy 2 - duplicate

Chanting, Bowing, Rinzai, Ceremony, Bell, Conversation, Zendo, Priest, Intuition...
Mar 01 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01131B

Tape 4 copy 1

Rinzai, Chanting, Intuition, Continuous Practice, Bell, Lay, Zazen, Freedom,...
Mar 01 1966

On Chanting, Sokei-An

Serial: SF-01131A

Tape 4 copy 1

Chanting, Bowing, Zendo, Ceremony, Posture, Priest, Zazen, training, Peace
Feb 25 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01136

Tape 1 copy 1

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Soto Zen, Funeral, Chanting, Observe, Enemies...
Feb 22 1966

On Nanzenshi, Nanshin-Ken

Serial: SF-01129

Tape 1 copy 2 - duplicate

Priest, Zendo, Study Period, Silence, Zazen, Peace, Funeral, Soto Zen, Chanting...
Feb 22 1966

Chanting Service

Sesshin, Chanting,
Dec 11 1965

Supper Chant

Serial: SF-05107C

Tape 7 Summer 1965 Sesshin: Side 2 Little bit of Saturday supper chant [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were transcribed verbatim - WKR]

Jul 31 1965

Afternoon Service and Meal Chant

Serial: SF-05112C

Tape 1 Summer sesshin 1965, Monday 1st day of sesshin (?) July 26th 1965 Tape 1 Side 1: afternoon service; meal chant

Jul 26 1965

Chanting Service

Serial: SF-05117C

From 1965, end of July sesshin.
Robe Chant (incomplete), Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo, eko.

Jul 1965

Chanting Service

Serial: SF-05079A

Sesshin service July 1965.
Robe chant, Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo, eko, Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo, eko, Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo, eko, meal chants in Japanese...

Chanting, Evil
Jul 1965


Lay, Meditation, Offering, Monastic Practice, Compassion, Funeral, Lineage, Chanting...

Deep Relaxation - 3 Touchings of the Earth

Serial: SF-04823

Commercially Produced cassette: Sounds True - - Pain, Love and Happiness with Thich Nhat Hanh - September 1-6 1997 Sponsored by the Community of Mindful Living

Peace, Buddha Nature, Anger, Chanting, Precepts, Happiness, Emotions, Faith

Buddhism at Millennium's Edge - Lecture 1

Serial: SF-03060

Copyright 1998 by Peter Matthiessen - Unedited Preview Cassette - duplicate

Evil, Silence, Suzuki Roshi, Chanting, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Bell, Priest,...

Transcendent Presence in End-of-Life Care

Serial: SF-02736

There are no markings on this tape beyond manufacturers

Heart Sutra, Death-and-Dying, Chanting, Transmission, Subject-and-Object, Mindfulness...

The Seventh Precept

Heart Sutra, Fox, Patience, Greed, Interview, Chanting, Commitment, Observe,...

Types of Yoga

Serial: SF-03024A


Instruction, Karma, Subject-and-Object, Greed, Observe, Religion, Politics, Chanting...
